Collapse Resources

On this page, I’ve compiled lists of blogs, documentaries, lectures, interviews, news sites, organizations, podcasts, researchers, and videos about societal collapse. If there are any resources you’d like me to add, leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
Blogs and Sites
- Climate and Economy – Daily updates on climate change and the global economy.
- Climate Casino – The personal blog of Eliot Jacobson, a retired mathematics and computer science professor who writes about the ongoing fall of global industrial civilization.
- Climate Central – This site researches and communicates climate change science, effects, and solutions for the public and decision-makers.
- Climate Code Red – Inspired by the book, Climate Code Red, this site covers the latest in climate change science and climate action (or inaction).
- Collapse 2050 – Geopolitics, economics, war, AI, civilization and climate collapse. The unspoken truth about humanity’s frightening future.
- Collapse of Industrial Civilization – This blog is both fascinating and depressing. The author does a fantastic job explaining our predicament and always includes lots of sources.
- Dark Optimism – Created by full-time climate activism, Shaun Chamberlin, this site both about what humans could achieve but also about how far we are from achieving it.
- Desdemona Despair – This blog chronicles the many current events that are leading toward the end of the world as we know it.
- Do The Math – The personal blog of Tim Murphy, a professor of physics whose blog “takes an astrophysicist’s-eye view of societal issues relating to energy production, climate change, and economic growth.”
- Ecosophia – The personal blog of John Michael Greer, a widely-read author who has written many great books such as Dark Age America and The Long Descent. In addition to the collapse of industrial civilization, his blog also focuses on ecology and spirituality.
- Energy Skeptic – The personal blog of Alice Friedemann, author of Life After Fossil Fuels and When Trucks Stop Running. Her blog covers pretty much every collapse-related topic imaginable.
- Greener Together – A Medium blog with daily posts on all things climate change. The blog has several contributors.
- How to Save the World – The personal blog of Dave Pollard who spent much of his life working as a consultant for green businesses. He writes about culture, ecology, philosophy, and collapse.
- – A medium blog by Indrajit Samarajiva, a writer living in Sri Lanka. He writes about capitalism and collapse, and has a fascinating perspective on Western culture in general.
- Jem Bendell – The personal blog of Jem Bendell, a professor of sustainability leadership and author of of the viral paper, Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy.
- Just Collapse – This site is particularly interesting. They acknowledge that the collapse of civilization is inevitable, so they are advocating for a planned collapse rather than a chaotic collapse. You can learn more here.
- Let’s Talk Collapse – This is a single page website that serves as the perfect introduction to collapse for people new to the topic. In addition to a great explanation of what collapse is, there is also a list of resources for people who want to learn more.
- Life Itself Blog – The personal blog of Tad Patzek, a professor of petroleum and chemical engineering. He blogs about the environment, energy, ecology, and more.
- Living Resilience – The goal of this site is to help collapse-aware people to reconnect with each other and with the Earth. They believe it is possible to find joy in life, despite how grim things are. They offer coaching and “Safe Circle Calls” for people looking for support and encouragement.
- Of Two Minds – The personal blog of Charles Hugh Smith, author of several books on finance, economics, and geopolitics.
- OK Doomer – Created by Jessica Wildfire, this is probably my favorite collapse-related blog. Topics include climate change, mental health, infectious diseases, economics, geopolitics, and more.
- Our Finite World – This blog was created by Gail Tverberg, a researcher focused on energy limits, how they affect the economy, and what it means for the future. If you are interested in learning more about peak oil, this is one of the best blogs you can visit.
- Paul Beckwith – The personal blog of Paul Beckwith, a climate system scientist who blogs about abrupt climate change, especially around the artic. He also has a Youtube channel.
- Peak Prosperity – This site was started by Chris Martenson, an economic researcher and former big Pharma executive who sold everything and moved his family to the country. After that, he created The Crash Course which explains how economic growth is ending due to limited resources.
- Problems, Predicaments, and Technology – The personal blog of Erik Michaels, who has been studying climate change for 40 years. He writes about many aspects of ecological overshoot including climate, pollution, and resource decline.
- – This site was created by the Post Carbon Institute. The goal of the site is to create community resilience in the face of multiple existential threats to the human race. They have articles from multiple experts in many different fields.
- Surplus Energy Economics – The personal blog of Tim Morgan, author of Life After Growth former head of research at Tullett Prebon. He writes about economics in light of declining resources.
- Surviving Tomorrow – This blog was started by Jared A. Brock, award-winning author and documentarian. He writes about collapse with a focus on economics and politics.
- Systemic Disorder – This blog was created by Pete Dolack, an activist, writer, poet and photographer. He writes about economic systems and environmental issues.
- The Age of Loss – This blog has been around for over 20 years. It is run by Robert Moosbrugger, an international development practitioner. He chronicles the ongoing loss of economic stability, biodiversity, energy security, food security, and many other things we take for granted.
- The Consciousness of Sheep – This site began as an offshoot of a book of the same name by sociologist Tim Watkins. He focuses on the “three Es”: economy, energy, and environment.
- The Doomer’s Cafe – This is both a blog and a podcast. The main author, Geoff McFarlan, calls it “the most depressing blog on the Internet.” The articles tend to focus on the big picture.
- The Fan Initiative – This site is a resource for policy makers and thought leaders to learn the science of our predicament and the systemic changes that are necessary for humanity to survive the 21st century.
- The Honest Sorcerer – A medium blog about why and how our civilization is collapsing. The author covers every aspect of collapse, especially declining energy.
- The Issue – The personal website of Umair Haque, one of the most prolific writers of articles about climate breakdown and societal collapse.
- The REAL Green New Deal – The purpose of this site is to explain to the world that our real problem is not climate change, but overshoot (of which climate change is merely a symptom), and why so-called renewables won’t save us from collapse.
- The Seneca Effect – The personal blog of Ugo Bardi, a professor of chemistry at the University of Florence in Italy. The blog is about collapse in general, with special attention on the cycles of ecosystems and economies.
- un-Denial – The creator of this site, Rob Mielcarski, has a very interesting perspective. He believes humans evolved to deny the reality of death, and this has allowed us to destroy the planet while denying the consequences. He writes articles on overshoot and regularly has guest writers.
- Wasteland by Wednesday – This blog was started by Kristopher Justin, author of the book of the same name. The great thing about this blog is that in addition to information about climate change and collapse, he also blogs about survival skills.
- Blind Spot – A documentary about the oil and energy crisis our world is facing. The overall message is that we have two choices: burn fossil fuels and destroy the planet, or stop burning fossil fuels and end our way of life. Both options result in collapse.
- Breaking Boundaries: The Science of Our Planet – This Netflix original features David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström as they discuss the nine planetary boundaries, which ones we haven’t crossed, which ones we’ve already crossed, and how to undo the damage.
- Bright Green Lies – Inspired by the book of the same name, this documentary is about how the environmental movement has lost its way. Instead of focusing on preserving nature, the movement is now more about how to continue our consumer lifestyles while using so-called green technologies, which aren’t actually green.
- Do The Math – This documentary follows climate activist Bill McKibben as he and others fight the fossil fuel industry and attempt to change the terrifying math of climate change. The movie features interviews with many famous climate crusaders and authors.
- Eating Our Way to Extinction – This documentary takes you on a cinematic journey around the world. It features interviews with scientists and indigenous people, and focuses on how our eating habits are accelerating climate change and collapse.
- END:CIV – This documentary is about our society’s addiction to systematic violence and environmental exploitation. It is based in part on Endgame by Derrick Jensen and asks the question, “If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply, would you resist?”
- Facing Adversity: Choosing Earth, Choosing Life – This documentary lays out the severity of the human predicament and encourages to create a society that is rooted in caring for ALL of life.
- Final Warning: Limits to Growth – This documentary is about the 1972 study, Limits to Growth, which showed that a capitalist-based civilization is unsustainable no matter how many resources we have.
- Four Horsemen – An award-winning documentary that exposes how the world really works. It features interviews with 23 international thinkers (such as Noam Chomsky) who explain what it will take to create a new and just society.
- Growing Pains: The Ecological Cost of an Insatiable Economy – This short documentary is about modern governments’ obsession with economic growth and the resulting consequences.
- Living in the Future’s Past – Narrated by Jeff Bridges, this documentary is filled with beautiful images of ecosystems around the world and discussions with experts on how to create a livable world for future generations.
- Once You Know – In this film, director Emmanuel Cappellin describes an epiphany he had while aboard a giant container ship. The realization that endless growth will lead to apocalypse led him to interview some of the world’s leading climate scientists and energy experts and to ask the question, How can we best live now that the climate crisis is here?
- Planet of the Humans – This documentary, produced my Michael Moore, has the audacity to admit what most people won’t—that we are losing the battle to stop climate change. And as you’ll see, a big reason for this is that the green movement has sold out to wealthy interests and corporations.
- Pumped Dry: The Global Crisis of Vanishing Groundwater – This documentary focuses on the depletion of the world’s aquifers and what that means for communities all around the world.
- Surviving Progress – This film, inspired by the book, A Short History of Progress, explains how civilizations throughout history have gotten caught in “progress traps” where new technologies improve people’s lives while ransoming their future. Is global civilization in the ultimate progress trap?
- The Crisis of Civilization – This dark comedy covers climate catastrophe, peak energy, peak food, economic instability, international terrorism, militarization, and what happens after civilization itself peaks.
- The Cross of the Moment – This documentary features interviews with several highly-informed experts who discuss the question, “Will our species survive catastrophic climate change?”
- The Sixth Extinction – This documentary explains why we are in planet Earth’s sixth mass extinction event. Unlike previous extinctions, which were caused by things like asteroids and volcanos, this extinction is caused by us.
- There’s No Tomorrow – This video explains oil formation, peak oil, energy, economic growth, and resource depletion. Although some of the information is out of date, the overall message of the film is more relevant than ever.
- What A Way To Go: Life at the End of Empire – In this documentary, the narrator comes to terms with overshoot, peak oil, climate change, mass extinction, and the end of the American empire.
Lectures and Interviews
- Abrupt Climate System Change Mayhem with Paul Beckwith – Paul Beckwith, a climate scientist, explains exactly why weather around the world has gotten worse and will continue to get worse at an accelerating pace.
- Accelerated Crash Course – This short video course was created by Chris Martenson, founder of Peak Prosperity. He explains in detail why the world is such a mess and why it’s going to get worse.
- Approaching Collapse – This forum includes several presenters including Megan Seibert, creator The REAL Green New Deal, and Tristan Sykes, creator of Just Collapse. They explain why green energy won’t save us and why our best option is a planned collapse.
- Blindspots and Superheroes – This lecture is by Nate Hagens, a former Wall Street analyst turned college professor and systems-science advocate. In it, he lays out the predicament humans are in and why a collapse of some sort is inevitable.
- Climate and Ecological Crisis: Heading for Extinction – This is a great presentation for people who don’t know much about climate change and why it could lead to our extinction. It is very well-researched, and he lists all his sources.
- Climate Change and the Need to Change Behaviour in the West – In this seminar, by professor Kevin Anderson explains why tech solutions alone aren’t enough to stop climate change and why we need to completely change the way we live.
- Climate Change is Simple – This is a great introduction to climate change presented by David Robers, a staff writer at He explains the causes and results of climate change in plain terms.
- Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed – This lecture by Pulitzer-Prize winning historian, Jared Diamond, is based on his book of the same name. In it, he explains how our civilization is just a short-sighted as every civilization that came before us.
- Collapse of Complex Societies – This lecture is by Dr. Joseph Tainter, an American anthropologist and historian. He explains why past societies have all collapsed and how we are making the same mistakes.
- Collapse: The Only Realistic Scenario? – This video introduced me to the concept of overshoot. Arthur Keller, a consultant and speaker on topics related to energy, climate, and ecological transition, explains why a decline of the human population is now impossible to avoid.
- Earth and Humanity: Myth and Reality – The presenter of this long video is Nate Hagen, a professor who teaches a class called Reality 101. In it, he distills his 15 years of research into 3 hours and debunks some of the most common myths about humans and our civilization.
- Energy Dead-Ends: Green Lies, Climate Change and Chaotic Transitions – Author and journalist Andrew Nikiforuk explains why green energy is not going to save us.
- From the Lens of the Superorganism – In this fascinating lecture, Nate Hagen describes humanity as a superorganism with no free will. He says humanity behaves more like an amoeba that keeps spreading until its source of food is gone.
- Global Warming and its Impact on Our Planet, Our Home – This lecture is by Dr. Richard Gammon, was a co-author of the first scientific assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He uses charts and graphs to show what climate change is doing to our world.
- Hope in a Time of Climate Chaos – Jem Bendell, author of Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos, talks about how to find hope and meaning in a difficult future. I personally found this lecture very inspiring.
- How To Enjoy The End Of The World – This is the lecture that made me “collapse aware.” Sid Smith explains how our entire civilization is a dissipative structure that will eventually run out of energy and come to an end.
- Humanity: The Final Chapter – In this talk, Sid Smith explains how humans are consuming their way toward extinction. He also discusses the political conditions of any possible human future.
- Losing Livable Planet – Peter Carter is the director of the Climate Emergency Institute, as well as an IPCC Expert Reviewer. In this video, he looks at the latest IPCC report and explains how we are creating a planet that is uninhabitable for humans.
- Navigating a Path Between Fantasy and Doom – In this webinar, Nate Hagens explains how the human ecosystem is destroying the planet and what this means for the 2020s.
- On the Virtues of Self-delusion—or maybe not! – This webinar is by Bill Rees, a population ecologist whose research focuses on sustainability. He explains how self-delusion allows people to ignore disturbing facts about our civilization, then he presents those facts.
- Ongoing Abrupt Climate Change and Consequences – In this presentation, meteorologist Nick Humphrey explains the concept of abrupt climate change and what we can expect in the near future if we don’t stop burning fossil fuels.
- Overshoot in a Nutshell: Understanding Our Predicament – This presentation is by Michael Dowd, an author, TEDx speaker, and eco-theologian. In it, he explains the concept of overshoot and how it is leading our civilization toward collapse.
- Robert Hunziker: Post-doom Discussion – In this video, award-winning journalist Robert Hunziker offers a primer on abrupt climate change and how it is affecting places around the world such as Antarctica, Australia, the Amazon rainforest, Greenland, the Arctic, and the oceans.
- Short Worst-case Climate Scenario – This presentation is by Peter Carter, an IPCC Expert Reviewer. In it, he shows how the data in the latest IPCC report indicates we are tracking the worst-case climate scenario.
- Storm Approaching! Overshoot, the Energy Conundrum and Climate Change – This talk is by Dr. Bill Rees, an expert in sustainability. Here he explains how humanity is in overshoot and how our choice to continue burning fossil fuels will cause a climate catastrophe.
- The Human Predicament – In this lecture, Nate Hagens explains peak oil and how it will lead to economic collapse in the near future. The positive message is that humans don’t need economic growth to be happy.
- This Civilisation is Finished – So What is to be Done? – This lecture is by Rupert Read, an environmental philosopher and chair of Green House Think Tank. He explains why our civilization will collapse and lays out three possible scenarios for the future.
- Too Clever By Half, But Not Nearly Smart Enough – In this presentation, Dr. Bill Rees explains how humanity is in overshoot, how our civilization is destroying the biosphere, and what we need to do next.
- Where Are We Going? – In this lecture, Nate Hagens explains how energy underpins our entire economy, why we are headed for a world with less consumption, and how people can still find happiness in a simpler society.
- Why Do Societies Collapse? – In this lecture, historian Jared Diamond explains why every society throughout history has collapsed and the signs that the collapse of our own society is near.
News Sites
- AccuWeather – The latest climate-related news from around the world.
- Ask NASA Climate – Climate news and articles from NASA.
- Aspen Institute – Climate news and analyses from the Aspen Institute.
- C2ES – News and opinion from the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.
- – Articles on climate change related to government policy.
- Climate Desk – This site collects science and climate-related stories from several different sources.
- Climate Home News – Science and political news relating to climate change.
- Climate Links – News about how climate change is affecting people around the world.
- Climate Wire – This site mostly focuses on political news relating to climate change.
- DeSmog – News about climate disasters and political scandals that affect the environment.
- Eco Watch – News about the environment and the fight to save the planet.
- Environmental Defense Fund – Expert commentary on the latest climate news.
- Environmental Health News – This site features articles about any news relating to the environment.
- Environmental Working Group – This site teaches you how to live in a way that is healthy and sustainable.
- Green Biz – This site mostly focuses on green energy and climate tech companies.
- Greenpeace Blog – This blog covers everything relating to the environment, including politics.
- – News stories about politics, energy, culture, and how the affect the climate.
- Inside Climate News – A Pulitzer Prize-winning news organization that focuses on climate change and related issues.
- IPCC – Statements directly from the International Panel on Climate Change.
- Live Science – This is the climate section of Live Science, a news site that covers all things science.
- Mother Jones – The environment section of the news magazine, Mother Jones.
- New Scientist – The climate change section of New Scientist, which covers the latest news in science.
- NPR – The environment section of National Public Radio, a publicly funded news organization.
- NRDC – The latest opinion and analysis from NRDC’s science, legal, and policy experts.
- – Daily news stories about science, technology, and medicine.
- Politico – The energy and environment section of Politico news.
- Science Focus – The climate change section of Science Focus magazine.
- Science News – The climate change section of Science News, a nonprofit that has been around for over 100 years.
- Smithsonian Magazine – The climate change section of Smithsonian Magazine.
- Society of Environmental Journalists – Environmental news from award-winning journalists.
- The Climate Reality Project – This group is dedicated to educating the public about climate change and teaching them how they can help.
- The Daily Climate – News about climate change and what governments are doing (or not doing) about it.
- The Ecologist – Environmental news and analysis website with a focus on ecological, social and economic justice.
- The Guardian – The environment section of The Guardian, one of the world’s largest news organizations.
- The Hill – The energy and environment section of The Hill.
- Tree Hugger – This site teaches you all about sustainability and green living.
- Union of Concerned Scientists – Expert analysis on the environment and society.
- World Meteorological Organization – The latest news about major weather events around the world.
- World Wide Fund for Nature – News about wildlife and biodiversity loss.
- Climate Reality Project – This site shows you how to get involved and help fight climate change. They even offer training for people who want to join the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.
- Deep Adaptation Forum – A place for professionals to connect and support one another as our current civilization comes to an end.
- Extinction Rebellion – An organization that uses non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act on climate change.
- Post Carbon Institute – An institute dedicated to leading the transition to a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable world.
- Skeptical Science – A non-profit organization that teaches about climate change and debunks climate misinformation.
- The All We Can Save Project – An organization dedicated to getting more people involved in the fight against climate change.
- The Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere – The goal of MAHB is to inspire a global dialogue about the threat of collapse.
- The Resilience Project – The group is dedicated to helping build networks of experts and inspire creative responses to the human predicament.
- Ashes Ashes – A show about our dying environment and our failing civilization.
- Breaking Down: Collapse – Created by Kory & Kellan. I highly recommend this one for people new to the reality of societal collapse.
- Building Up: Resilience – My new favorite podcast. This one is also by Kory and Kellan, but instead of focusing on collapse, the focus more on resilience.
- Collapse Chronicles – This is actually a Youtube channel. Sam Mitchell, a freelance journalist, talks about the latest collapse-related news.
- Crazy Town – Equal parts humor and in-depth analysis of overshoot, climate change, and capitalism.
- Facing Future – Stuart Scott discusses collapse with people from many different disciplines.
- It Could Happen Here – A very popular podcast about the end of the world as we know it with a focus on the United States.
- Kevin Hester – Frank discussions about biosphere collapse and the end of civilization.
- KunstlerCast – A podcast by James Kunstler, author of several books including The Long Emergency.
- Last Born in the Wilderness – Long-form interviews with experts on energy and climate change.
- Nature Bats Last – The Youtube channel of Guy McPherson, a scientist and famous “collapseologist.”
- Poetry of Predicament – Conversations with collapse-aware thought leaders and creators.
- Radio Ecoshock – Discussions on climate change, oceans, forests, pollution, the economy, and more.
- The Great Simplification – Nate Hagen has deep discussions with experts on energy, climate, and more.
- What Could Possibly Go Right? – Author and activist Vicki Robin has deep discussions on things like climate change and economic justice.
- Yale Climate Connection – Commentary and analysis on climate change and related topics.
- Chris Hedges – An author, minister, commentator, and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist. Recently, he has been warning that the American empire is going to collapse, followed by the collapse of global industrial civilization. He is a regular contributor to and author of America: The Farewell Tour.
- Chris Martenson – An economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. He is the creator of and The Crash Course, which explains why economic growth as we know it is going to end due to depleting resources.
- Derrick Jensen – An American ecophilosopher, writer, teacher and environmentalist in the anarcho-primitivist tradition. He is the author of Bright Green Lies, a book about how the environmental movement has been co-opted by capitalists.
- James Hansen – A climate scientist and American adjunct professor. He is well-known for his 1988 Congressional testimony on climate change that helped raise broad awareness. Recently, he has been warning that the rate of global warming could double in the next 20 years.
- Jared Diamond – An American geographer and historian who has authored several books including Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.
- John Michael Greer – A very prolific author who writes about ecology, politics, technology, oil depletion, and more. He has a personal blog, is a regular contributor to, and is known for his theory of “catabolic collapse.”
- Joseph Tainter – An American anthropologist and historian who is known for his book, The Collapse of Complex Societies, which explains why every civilization in history eventually collapsed.
- Kevin Anderson – A professor of energy and climate change who is very outspoken about the fact that it is probably too late to avoid 4°C of warming. He used to be the director of the Tyndall Centre, the UK’s leading climate change research center. He is also an active contributor to several different journals.
- Nate Hagens – A former hedge fund manager who realized that our civilization would starting running out of resources in his lifetime. This led him to quit his job and study the human ecosystem full time. He is the host of the podcast, The Great Simplification, and he teaches a class called Reality 101: A Survey of the Human Predicament.
- Richard Heinberg – A journalist and educator who has authored 13 books on energy, economic, and ecological issues. His latest books is called Power: Limits and Prospects for Human Survival. He is very outspoken about the fact that climate change is merely a symptom of overshoot and that most of the scientific community is not being honest about the severity of our predicament.
- Vaclav Smil – A scientist and policy analyst who has authored hundreds of papers and 40 books. His latest book is called How The World Really Works, which explains how we got here and what is likely to happen in the near future. He is critical of the idea that there will be a rapid transition to green energy and says it will take longer and be more difficult than people realize.
- William Rees – A Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia, where he taught for decades. He has a PhD in population ecology and is the originator of the concept of the “ecological footprint.” In his lectures and presentations, he is very blunt about the fact that temperatures are likely to rise faster than expected and that societal collapse will happen unless humanity radically alters course.
Tools and Charts
- – This website explains the concept of the “anthropocene” and uses graphs and charts to show how humanity has impacted the planetary boundaries.
- Climate Change Tracker – This website tracks the current temperature, carbon dioxide, and methane levels around the world.
- Climate Interactive – This set of tools allows you to see the results of various climate-related policies such as taxation of fossil fuels and subsidies for green energy.
- Climate Reanalyzer – This incredible tool allows you to visualize the world climate with charts, graphs, and maps using the latest weather data.
- Climate Shift Index – This tool shows you how much climate has impacted temperature, allowing you to compare what it would likely be in places around the world without anthropogenic climate change.
- – This site tracks atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and average global temperature over time.
- – This site is essentially just a chart showing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the last 200 years.
- – This site keeps track or climate and extinction predictions made by scientists. It shows you when the prediction was made and the date when it will come to pass if true.
- Footprint Calculator – Answer a few questions and find out how many Earth’s it would take to support the global population if everyone lived like you.
- Global Energy Usage – shows charts for virtually any time of global data you can imagine. This page shows how much and what types of energy have used over the last 200 years.
- – This site shows atmospheric methane levels over the last 200 years.
- National Water Dashboard – This site shows the water levels for creeks, rivers, lakes, and aquifers across the United States.
- Power Outages in US – This site shows the locations of any current power outages in the United States.
- – This site shows average sea levels over the last 200 years.
- – This site shows the average global temperature over the last 200 years.
- The Keeling Curve – This site shows carbon dioxide concentration at the Mauna Loa Observatory and ice core data going back 800,000 years.
- The World Counts – This site shows the number of Earths we would need to provide resources and absorb waste at our current level of consumption.
- U.S. Drought Monitor – This site has a map showing the levels of drought all across the United States.
- Vital Signs of the Planet – This site shows planetary vital signs such as carbon dioxide, global temperature, Arctic sea ice extent, sea levels, ocean warming, and more.
- Are Humans Smarter Than Yeast? – This video explains the concept of exponential growth. For example, yeast grow exponentially until they run out of food. Humans are following the same pattern.
- Collapse 101: The Inevitable Fruit of Progress – In this video, Michael Dowd explains how human behavior is impacting the planet and why the collapse of civilization is inevitable.
- Collapse in a Nutshell: Understanding Our Predicament – This presentation is by Michael Dowd, an author, TEDx speaker, and eco-theologian. In it, he explains why it’s already too late to prevent collapse and what we should do next.
- Dangerous Conformity – This video shows a psychological study that demonstrates how people will ignore signs of danger as long as everyone else is ignoring them. It could be argued that the entire human race is ignoring the danger of overshoot simply because their friends and neighbors don’t seem alarmed.
- MIT Has Predicted that Society Will Collapse in 2040 – This video explains the famous MIT study and subsequent book, Limits to Growth, which predicts society will collapse by 2040 under a business-as-usual scenario.
- The Great Simplification – In this video, Nate Hagens explains the history of humanity and how our over-reliance on fossil fuels will lead to a breakdown of our civilization into a much simpler society.
- The Marshmallow Experiment: Instant Gratification – This video shows a famous psychology study where children can eat one marshmallow now, or wait a little while and have two marshmallows later. Some have argued that the human predicament is one giant marshmallow test that we are failing.
- Top 10 Climate Change Myths – A science journalist debunks some of the most common myths about climate change.
- Why Everything Will Collapse – This short video explains the consequences of climate change, biodiversity loss, resource depletion, and why they will lead to the collapse of civilization in the near future.
- Why The Sixth Mass Extinction Is Here. Now – In this video, Simon Clark explains why climate change is causing a mass extinction event on par with the event that killed the dinosaurs.